Designation: Associate Professor, IIT Hyderabad



    Phone: 040 2301 671



2009 (December)

The Queen’s University of Belfast, UK.

Thesis title: Production and transport of energetic particles in ultra intense laser plasma interaction.

Supervised by Prof. Marco Borghesi and Prof. Matthew Zepf.

M.Sc in Physics


Osmania University, India

B.Sc in Physics


Osmania University, India

Professional Experience

Associate Professor

2020(September) - Present

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderbad,Kandi,Sangareddy

Assistant Professor

2015(June) - 2020(September)

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderbad,Kandi,Sangareddy

Assistant Professor

2014(Aug) - 2015(May)

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Ramanujan Fellow

2013(Jan) - 2014(Aug)

Laser plasma Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore, India

Postdoctoral Fellow

2011(Apr) - 2012(Dec)

Institute für radiation Physik, Helmholtz Zentrum, Dresden, Germany.

Postdoctoral Fellow

2010(Jan) - 2011(Mar)

School of physics, University College Dublin.

Chintalwad, S., Krishnamurthy, S., Morris, S., & Ramakrishna, B. (2022). Intense ү-Ray Bursts following the Interaction of Laser Pulse with Steep Density Gradients. Laser and Particle Beams, 2022.

Kar, S., Kakolee, K. F., Qiao, B., Macchi, A., Cerchez, M., Doria, D., ... & Borghesi, M. (2012). Ion acceleration in multispecies targets driven by intense laser radiation pressure. Physical Review Letters, 109(18), 185006.

Chintalwad, S., Krishnamurthy, S., Morris, S., & Ramakrishna, B. (2022). Intense ү-Ray Bursts following the Interaction of Laser Pulse with Steep Density Gradients. Laser and Particle Beams, 2022.